Family Finance

Family finance includes all areas of financial management within the household. Family finance uses financial models, especially behavioral financial models, to analyze and improve the family unit’s financial behavior. These models are less complex than those used for managing businesses or nations, but not by far.

Family finance deals with the following topics:

  1. Budget plan vs. reality.
  2. Managing a balance sheet.
  3. Budgetary monitoring and achieving financial goals.
  4. Managing personal and familial risks.

Family finances guidance also touches on psychology, sociology, and mentoring.

At its core, family finance handles several issues that influence the family unit’s home life. Here are the main issues:

  1. Looking at the income and the expenses and making sure the former is bigger than the latter.
  2. Defining clear goals and objectives (that change over time) for the family unit.
  3. Investing the surplus of income in a better way in order to create future income that will support the goals. 
  4. Primarily, learn how to operate within the new, complex and demanding world the family lives in.
  5. Constantly manage the financial products that usually operate without the supervision of “a responsible adult.”


The main challenges of the modern family and its behavior:

  1. Lack of knowledge and understanding of proper financial behavior, which only grows in complexity over the years.
  2. Increased life-expectancy, which requires one to plan goals and objectives for their retirement.
  3. Decreasing occupational stability – changing workplaces, getting fired, occupations that are no longer relevant, etc.
  4. The effects of globalization on companies’ financial resilience and on their needs, which, in turn, affect the family unit.
  5. The growing complexity of investment products and the need to adjust them to personal and familial needs (numerous possible countries to invest in, shares, bonds, commodities, foreign currency, digital coins, index trackers, realistic real-estate in Israel and abroad, etc.).
  6. Controlling poor purchase impulses that come from comparison to others, pressure from their surroundings, the ease of purchase in the digital world, etc.


For further questions and personal guidance, contact us at Sparta-capital.

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We examine the totality of assets comprehensively and professionally and build the most appropriate investment strategy for the client’s needs. The asset portfolio is continually and meticulously examined by a team of experts, who also conduct risk management and examine the products.

We are experienced and have great expertise in the financial fields. We provide personal support and supervision for our clients:

We are experienced and have great expertise in the financial fields. We provide personal support and supervision for our clients:

  1. Building an investment strategy according to the family unit’s needs.
  2. Implementing the program while examining the costs and being careful in choosing the investment managers that take care of our client’s money.
  3. As part of the supervision, we send periodical reports with an updated status report.
  4. Making adjustments to the plan based on changes in the client’s needs and adjusting the products to the state of the market and regulation.
  5. We are careful in choosing the external service providers we use, e.g., taxation consultants and accountants, personal legal support, generational inheritance, and escrow accounts.

Sparta Capital

Sparta believes in viewing each person and their personal needs and providing the most professional package for each client. Sparta isn’t for everyone: we don’t guarantee yield, but we do promise to employ the most comprehensive knowledge in the market and to adjust it to your needs. Sparta provides knowledge and professionalism that were previously reserved for institutional clients, providing its clients with access to them. Sparta cares for the client, they are not another portfolio.