Savings and Investments

The personal and familial world is made up of 2 categories – consumption and savings; both are very dominant in our present and future financial behavior.

The complexity of managing our savings is one of the most important missions in every stage of our lives, from our parent’s behavior to our children and grandchildren’s.

This current period is more challenging than ever before in terms of the possibility of us enjoying things that we were used to, like trips abroad, shows, plays, etc.

Over the past two years, most of us spent our leisure time mostly at home, with our families, and our various spendings have decreased accordingly; thus, we have more money to put into our savings and investments, from a long-term perspective.

However, this period also taught us the importance of savings and investments, of preparing for unexpected times, like what we experienced not long ago and even now: closed and closing workplaces, lockdowns with or without reimbursements, reimbursements that should or should not be returned, etc.  

The goal of the investment should be specified and clearly defined so that we can prepare according to their need and know whether the plan is to deposit, for example, a one-time sum or a standing order for savings in the capital market.

Here are some of the many possible goals and targets of savings and investments:

  1. To buy a first house.
  2. To increase our future stipend.
  3. To help our children with buying property, fund their education, etc.
  4. To enter a nursing home and to maintain the same quality and standard of life we are used to.
  5. To invest our free money in a business in order to strengthen its resilience with money that is not being used.


There are many ways and a wide variety of products for achieving our personal, familial, and business goals:

  1. Training funds.
  2. Investments provident funds.
  3. Investing in the capital market investment through a savings policy. 
  4. Portfolio management.
  5. Investment funds / hedging funds.
  6. Commercial real-estate in Israel / abroad.
  7. Mutual funds.
  8. Direct investments (shares, bonds, EFTs, etc.).

Which of these best suit our personal needs?

Should you combine different products?

These are only two out of the many personal and managerial complexities of investments. 

Every investment/savings channel includes many sub-channels, like which organization will manage the money, the route within that organization, the right way to think about shares/bonds, etc.

Therefore, there are many steps between understanding the need and turning it into an action, many questions we need to answer, many things we need to do even before purchasing one share for our investment portfolio.

For more information and a private instruction, contact us at Sparta-capital.

Stay Connected

We examine the totality of assets comprehensively and professionally and build the most appropriate investment strategy for the client’s needs. The asset portfolio is continually and meticulously examined by a team of experts, who also conduct risk management and examine the products.

We are experienced and have great expertise in the financial fields. We provide personal support and supervision for our clients:

We are experienced and have great expertise in the financial fields. We provide personal support and supervision for our clients:

  1. Building an investment strategy according to the family unit’s needs.
  2. Implementing the program while examining the costs and being careful in choosing the investment managers that take care of our client’s money.
  3. As part of the supervision, we send periodical reports with an updated status report.
  4. Making adjustments to the plan based on changes in the client’s needs and adjusting the products to the state of the market and regulation.
  5. We are careful in choosing the external service providers we use, e.g., taxation consultants and accountants, personal legal support, generational inheritance, and escrow accounts.

Sparta Capital

Sparta believes in viewing each person and their personal needs and providing the most professional package for each client. Sparta isn’t for everyone: we don’t guarantee yield, but we do promise to employ the most comprehensive knowledge in the market and to adjust it to your needs. Sparta provides knowledge and professionalism that were previously reserved for institutional clients, providing its clients with access to them. Sparta cares for the client, they are not another portfolio.